Some updates leaving the country.

Hello. I’d like to share some of my story

My goal is to understand what I see on another level.

There are always times in my life where people have encouraged me to share my experiences. I always find it is so difficult because I am gifted but have difficulties with traits and gifts that make up who I am.

I wanted to write freely about what I see in my world, in part so that others may come out with their experiences. I have a gift of seeing and analyzing things. But sometimes it can become tough..

It seems no matter how much society or people try to change me or what I experience. I have always had a sixth sense since I was young. I also have a lot of practice with meditation, and studied religion and psychology in college.

I think that a lot of bipolar and schizoaffective people, which I was diagnosed with can be highly religious or spiritual or are having religious experiences. I am often in such a spiritual state, myself. I think this can be the case with a lot of people with these conditions, and there are proven links and literature between these qualities and traits.

What if more psychiatrists and even scientists ask people specifically what they see and hear? They sometimes do, not all the time, but not all the time, and the answer is usually the same.

It is my guess and also from experience talking to others is that a lot of people might see and hear similar things in psychosis or schizoaffective. With millions of people suffering from these conditions, why don’t we do more progressvely? While we do try to help people with these kinds of issues, we sometimes do with the mental health system, but too often it stigmatizes and mislabeled. I have been labeled many different things, and I’m sure others have if they have spent some time in our mental health system.

The government doesn’t always give people with mental health issues a disability check. If we can’t do this, Why can’t we better understand and invest in more ways to understand these things? Not even everyone with a condition being treated, many are on the streets and not being understood

It is of my belief that there can be different distortions in people with bipolar or schizoaffective. People can see many different things. If we asked more questions and gathered more data, instead of only prescribing medication, we would have more nature of the psyche and what people by chance could be collectively seeing and hearing, and could solve the problem more effectively.

So much science and philosophy can prove that the mind and some experiences of people can be independent of the brain. The confusion is that of course work together too, with the mind and practices such as mediation influencing brain activity.

So it is my belief that practicing doctors and anyone can mistakenly believe that a mental illness, is only caused by brain activity, and can’t have to do with religious experiences not always explained by science. It seems even though literature that parallels the two is there, this mistake is often made.

If science and religion can study one another more, and not be in such conflict, then their wisdom together can inform things concerning the mind, soul, and psyche, without always making it a medical problem.
Of course certain medications work for some and not everyone, but a heart disease is different from a disease of the mind or brain. Also, the data is on certain medications for mental illness not working, and sometimes can make things worse.

The issue is that the DSM only describes what is proper in a given society, which is different from things we have experienced since the beginning of time. I think the DSM and mental health evolved within a given society. But I dont think religious experiences that have existed since the beginning of time should be seen as an illness.

Even if not everyone is religious or spiritual, for the majority of people who believe in something, their experiences are neglected or seen in a very simple term such ad ‘crazy’ or even ‘hallucination.’

Sometimes my mind and brain makes mistakes, I do see things that are real but not physical. I have seen many things for so long that I have these views and perspectives after much research and experimentation. It feels like I can exist in another world than the physical one that is poorly understood in its relationship to the mind and brain. The goal for me is to share my experiences while gaining more awareness.

It starts with educating more people and gaining more education.

So it is of my view that I should share more of my story and perspectives, and hear others opinions. I’d like to share more, and feel free to share your experiences and opinions.

One thought on “Some updates leaving the country.

  1. Thanks for your honest transparency. As far as what I know, all I can say is that I am honored to learn from you!
    Hang in there my friend,

    J. Edward Wright, Ph.D.
    Director, Arizona Center for Judaic Studies, University of Arizona
    The J. Edward Wright Endowed Professor of Judaic Studies


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